Tasmanian Fire Service's choice of Allison Automatics leads way for off-road fire trucks
Tasmanian Fire Service's choice of Allison Automatics leads way for off-road fire trucks
The Tasmanian Fire Service developed a Hino FM 2630 using the Allison 3000 SeriesTM automatic for use as an advanced Compressed Air Foam (CAF) firefighting truck.
<a href="http://wieckautodeadline60.1upprelaunch.com/Content/Allison-Transmission/Allison/Photo-Gallery/Tasmanian-Fire-Service-s-choice-of-Allison-Automatics-leads-way-for-off-road-fire-trucks/1083/2015/1023"><img src="https://d3d6mf6ofxeyve.cloudfront.net/wieckautodeadline60/images/5305.jpg" /></a>
Date published: 10/03/2015 10:58:00 PM
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